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Here are some methods:

Medical History: Prior to starting the training, it is essential to gather the trainee’s medical history to identify potential risks and take specific precautions.

Individual Adjustment: IHHT should be tailored to the individual’s needs and abilities, and it should only commence after an appropriate warm-up phase.

Heart Rate Monitoring: Monitoring the heart rate ensures that the training intensity is appropriate and prevents the individual from being overloaded.

Blood Pressure Monitoring: Regular blood pressure measurements assess cardiovascular responses and prevent health risks.

Pulse Oximetry: Measuring blood oxygen saturation monitors the response to hypoxia and maintains the oxygen level within a safe range.

Breathing Assessment: Observing the breathing frequency provides insights into adaptation to hypoxia and ensures safety.

Well-being: It is advisable to keep a close eye on the individual’s body throughout the entire training session to promptly detect any discomfort or unusual symptoms.

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